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Telangana Book of Records - Pallam Pitchaiah
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Pallam Pitchaiah

Pallam Pitchaiah
Artistry and Painting (Chitrakala)
Hyderabad, Telangana.

Haripriya Narasimhan
Pallam Pitchaiah, at the age of 48, has showcased unparalleled skill and devotion in the art of painting. His artistic endeavors in the field of Chitrakala have enriched the cultural tapestry of our region, resonating with both tradition and innovation. His commitment to the craft and his inimitable style have not only garnered admiration but also serve as an inspiration for aspiring artists.
In honoring Mr. Pitchaiah, we celebrate not just an individual achievement but the timeless spirit of artistry that transcends boundaries and motivates others to explore the depths of their own creativity.
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